

1.2 Web Improvement

Clock App


  • Fix the header of the mobile version
  • Button animations are not cohesive
  • Tweak the hover animations
  • Remove the underline of the headings
  • App not functional after pressing multiple buttons
  • App feels empty


  • Gave intuitive color animations for the buttons
  • Cleaned the app's layout for better legibility
  • Made buttons unselectable after starting the stopwatch or the countdown timer
  • Changed the background color when the app is in use
  • Changed the name of the app
  • Created animatinos for when the countdown timer reaches zero
  • Added an animated mascot to breath life into the app
  • Gave the mascot dialogs matching the app's brand

1.3 Print Improvement



  • Colors are dull
  • Contrast is low
  • Scenery is empty


  • Add a game menu
  • Add more details
  • Adjust the layout
  • Change colors

1.4 Video Improvement

The Beauty of Playing Competitively


  • Too long to show on Portfolio
  • Condense it into a shorter format


  • Create a seperate YouTube short that links to the longer video
  • Only inlcude the story beats
  • Make it loop

Case Studies

2.1 Web Case Study

Anomaly Archives

2.2 Print Case Study

Personal Project


PD.3.4 | Manage time on technology

Level: 2

I chose managing time for my Capiskills as I'm aware of the negative impacts it's having on my life such as my school work and my sleep schedule. I've already started to implement limits through the settings on my IPhone.