Anomaly Archives

Web Case Study


Meet Lhymslabirynth, an illustrator specializing in realistic depictions of eldritch anomaly creatures. His art brings eerie, otherworldly horrors to life with chilling accuracy, captivating audiences with every stroke.



In this project, my goal was to assemble an immersive art gallery showcasing Lhymslabyrinth's anomalies. I aimed to create a cohesive space for viewing these creations while providing comprehensive documentation resembling an encyclopedia.

My objective was to offer a seamless experience of exploring these terrifying beings, blending Lhymslabyrinth’s art and a immersive user experience.


Designing a web interface that complemented Lhymslabyrinth's artwork without overshadowing its beauty. Striking a balance between an engaging user interface and allowing the anomalies to take center stage required careful consideration. The website had to enhance the anomalies allure rather than detracting from them.


The solution was to create a web design inspired by espionage and government secrecy, conveying a sense of mystery around the anomalies. This minimalist aesthetic, using predominantly black and white tones with rectangular elements, complemented Lhymslabyrinth's artwork. It immersed visitors in an experience akin to uncovering classified information, enhancing the sense of discovery and intrigue.


To begin, I used a grid layout to effectively present Lhymslabyrinth's artwork. Each anomaly was strategically positioned within it, facilitating easy navigation for visitors. Clicking on an artwork triggered a popup information card, providing users with comprehensive details about the selected anomaly.

Micro animations were to heighten the user experience and align with the espionage-inspired aesthetic. Ranging from gentle fades to a loading bar, to rough hover effects, these micro animations enhanced user engagement while maintaining the immersive atmosphere of navigation.


Code Saver


The font "Code Saver" was chosen for its compatibility with the espionage secrecy vibe, adding a sleek and classic touch while maintaining an aura of mystery and intrigue.


Secret Black


Snow Days


Spy Emerald


Scarlet Danger



The outcome is a functional website showcasing Lhymslabyrinth's art in an immersive manner, achieved through animations and a visually captivating aesthetic. Featuring an art gallery, popup cards displaying anomaly stats, and a user submission form, the website offers an engaging experience for visitors to explore the anomalies and contribute to the community.

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