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1. INTERVIEW | Micromedia Gameshow

I'll be acting as a host for a gameshow-like invertview. Basically, I'll be asking Micromedia related questions to 2 participants who will be competing against each other. After 10 questions (# of questions might vary), the contestant with the most correct answers win! The prize is yet to be determined.

- Project Completion Date: Oct. 27
- Individual Project
- Questions, Shot lists, Lighting plans will be provided soon.

Some potential questions might be:
- What is the shortcut for the selection tool?
- What is the mistake in this photo montage? (An image will be shown)

2. PERSONAL PROJECT | Championship Parody

I'll create a scene that parodies competitve sports and esports. A friend and I will be playing with toys, acting as if it was a competitive sport. There will be some "live" commentary as if we were playing an established and official sport that has a complex and layered metagame. The goal of this project is to make "Toy Fighting" look like an actual championship event.

- Project Completion Date: Nov. 24
- Individual Project
- Script, Storyboard, Shot lists, Lighting plans will be provided soon.

To note, although the scene is trying parody the prestige aspect of sports, the setting will be casual and not some fancy stadium with a crowd.