Goh, a ghost who yearns for purpose even in the realm of the afterlife wanders without rest. Driven by an unyielding determination to transcend the boundaries of death, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. Even in death, Goh pursues to train ceaselessly, to hone his skills, and to reach for his peak, even amidst the shadows of the afterlife.

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Sprite Sheet Animation

Currently, Goh is attempting to manipulate his life force, which requires concentration and precision. Although deadly, this magic produces a beautiful green glow.

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Frame-by-Frame Animation

It appears that Goh is now trying to tap into his full power. He needs to shout more and let out all the magic within him to gain an even better control over it.

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Frame-by-Frame Animation

This is it. Goh's fruits of his training has led to this attack. The power of his magic is at its peak, and all his hard work has paid off. The results are truly astounding.

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JS Library Animation

Goh takes a well-earned rest after exhausting himself in training. He will surely resume once he recovers even in the afterlife's shadows.
